Cyclota bike tours – Colombia road cycling, gravel and mountain bike tours


Gravel bike tour Colombia

ALTO DE LETRAS Weekend challenge Book This Tour Book Tour 4 Days Bogotá Diverse Climate High Altitude Intermediate THE ULTIMATE WEEKEND CHALLENGE This four-day tour is the crowning achievement in Colombian cycling. The ride is centred on conquering the longest … Read More

Alto de Letras

ALTO DE LETRAS The crowning achivement of Cycling in Colombia. Book This Tour THE ULTIMATE WEEKEND CHALLENGE This four-day tour is the crowning achievement in Colombian cycling. The ride is centred on conquering the longest climb in the world: Alto … Read More

Road bike tour in Medellin

Road bike Tour Medellin

Discover the beauty and culture of Medellin on our road bike tour. With stunning routes and hidden gems, our tour is designed for both seasoned riders and beginners. Experience Medellin like never before with high-quality bike rentals, experienced guides, and a commitment to customer satisfaction. Book now for the ultimate adventure!

La Heróica

LA HEROÍCA Cycle Colombia at full length Book This Tour Book Tour 14 Days Bogotá Diverse Climate High Altitude Advanced COLOMBIA IN ALL ITS GLORY La Heroíca is the quintessential Colombian cycling experience. This tour starts in the verdant green … Read More

Colombia express

COLOMBIA EXPRESS Weekend adventure Book This Tour Capture Colombia in a Nutshell How can one capture Colombia’s diverse wonders in a concise and captivating manner? This itinerary does it: spectacular landscapes, exquisite coffee, and exhilarating riding. Descending from the heights … Read More

Enduro tour Colombia

ENDURO COLOMBIA Descent the ancient trails of the Andes mountains Book This Tour Book Tour 9 Days Pereira Mild temperature High Altitude Intermediate ENDURO TOUR This enduro mountain bike tour explores the hidden trails that lie in the heart of … Read More

Gran Fondo Training Camp

GRAN FONDO TRAINING CAMP Prepare like a Pro Book This Tour Book Tour Custom Colombia Diverse Climate High Altitude Any Level EAT. SLEEP. RIDE. REPEAT Are you an avid Gran Fondo racer and looking to expand your horizons? Colombia has … Read More

Custom cycling tour

CUSTOM CYCLING TOUR Design your perfect cycling holiday Book This Tour Book Tour Custom Colombia Diverse Climate High Altitude Beginner/Advanced DESIGN YOUR OWN PERFECT CYCLING HOLIDAY Cyclotá can tailor-make your cycling holiday exactly how you want it. Whether it is … Read More

Bogota altitude training camp

Training camp Bogotá

TRAINING CAMP BOGOTA High altitude cycling Book This Tour Book Tour 6 Days Bogotá Diverse climate High Altitude Amateur TRAIN IN THE ANDES Colombia is known for its impressive mountains and endless climbs. It’s no wonder Colombian cyclists have stormed … Read More

A climb in Colombia in Cyclota road bike tour

Colombian Escarabajos

We created the ultimate Colombian cycling adventure. Experience Colombia’s best cycling destination, from vibrant cities to breathtaking climbs. Explore rural beauty and embrace the soul of this country. Over 7 stages, mountains become a part of you, and you take a piece of them home. Infinite views and unforgettable moments await. Discover hidden gems along the way. Join us for the time of your life.