Cyclota bike tours – Colombia road cycling, gravel and mountain bike tours

Monthly Archives: July 2018

Gran Fondo Training camp

The rise of the Gran Fondo

In cycling you have many types or riders, from ‘good weather’ cyclists, who like to end the ride with a beer in the sun, Strava segment chasers who go for KOM’s all the way to the licence holders that battle … Read More

Cycling in Colombia – A perspective from Matt and Christa (Canada)

November in our home town of Vancouver, Canada can be downright depressing. Imagine days upon days of rain and little day light. We wanted to go somewhere to avoid the soggiest month of the year and ride our bikes in … Read More

Bogota altitude training camp

The effects of high-altitude training

There is a growing trend amongst amateur cyclists to take their training to a higher level. Where power meters used to be exclusive for professional cyclists, it is now becoming a standard equipment for amateurs. It all started with the … Read More

Training camp bogota

New One-day tour: Exploring Patios

Join the local Sunday weekly challenge! Every Sunday thousands of Bogotanos take up the closed streets for cars to enjoy leisure activities on the Ciclovía. But some people go a little bit further. Bogotá is sided by a gigantic block … Read More

Why Colombia should be your next cycling holiday destination

Going on a cycling holiday is getting more and more popular these days, it is becoming easier to bring your bike on a flight and airline tickets are getting more affordable. With these two positive trends, the possibilities to ride … Read More