Cyclota bike tours – Colombia road cycling, gravel and mountain bike tours


Cycling in Colombia – A perspective from Matt and Christa (Canada)

November in our home town of Vancouver, Canada can be downright depressing. Imagine days upon days of rain and little day light. We wanted to go somewhere to avoid the soggiest month of the year and ride our bikes in … Read More

Riding in Colombia, an interview with Tomás

How did you get the idea to start a bike tour company? By mere chance. In 2008, I raced with friends who organized the Ruta De Los Conquistadores in Costa Rica. After that, I was left with the impression that something … Read More

Climbing Alto de Letras: the longest climb in the world

Close to summiting the longest climb in the world, all I could hear was the sweet turning of the pedals, the small breeze that blew under the clouds. I could feel the pain in my tired legs, the difficulty of grasping for some … Read More

Road bike action magazine rode with us

This is a big one!  Road bike action Magazine featured us in the July 2017 issue. This is great because it is an opportunity to let cyclist, specially in the US and Canada, know about how good riding in Colombia is. … Read More

Riding with Narcos

Riding with Narcos or how I got interested in Colombia. As the plane landed in Bogota, all my preconceived ideas about Colombia came back to my mind. How I eventually landed there is a little less interesting that what I … Read More

Cycling in the heart of Colombia

Directly after visiting Colombia for the first time as a backpacker I knew it; I had to come back to this amazing country to discover more. And this time not with a heavy backpack, but with my bike! This is … Read More